I look at the top submissions of all time and I'm very happy this is still on the first page although there are several animations that don't really deserve to be there as I'm sure there are several under-rated gems that haven't quite made it yet. This submission oozes quality in many ways, there's a legitimate, relate-able and inspiring story, a lot of great drawings and animations, along with beautiful and moving melodies. I love the way the energy builds and is inevitably transferred to another in the end. From the moment when the homeless gentleman leaves a few bucks to the point when the protagonist is "ruined" is so moving. Coming back and taking another look at the classics has a warm nostalgia to it and I will never forget the first time I viewed (and pushed through judgement) this spectacularly beautiful animation. I will never forget what it meant to me and what it will mean in the days to come. Thank you.